We invite you to hear our story and to share our journey, a journey that began for Jodi and Tim with a desire for another child, and for Jill and Ryan, a desire to help . . .


Friday, May 2, 2008

Baby is here!!

Posted by Jen Landes~ We welcomed Chase Ellis Whittemore into this world on May 2nd at 3:07am! He weighed 7 pounds 10.6 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches. He is so beautiful! It was an amazing moment. Jill was so strong, courageous, and beautiful throughout. Jodi and Tim were so excited to see and finally hold their new little guy. It is Jodi's birthday too, and she said, "Jill just gave me the best present in the whole world. I don't ever need another birthday present ever." We got proof on tape in case Tim needs it later. :)

Jill was able to get her first epidural, and so she was very comfortable. After a very long day and night, Chase decided to get into the right position and make his exit fairly quickly. The Dr. checked her saying she was complete, and with two pushes he was out. Jill and baby are both doing great. Tim fed him his first bottle, and when I left Jodi and Jill were admiring his cute little fingers and toes. We all thanked God for such an amazing gift and blessing to us all, and for taking care of everyone involved along the way.

1 comment:

Schillypepper's said...

Dear Whitomores,
Tell baby Chase Jacob said Hi. Congratulations Chloe,I hope you have fun with baby Chase.

Your Friend