We invite you to hear our story and to share our journey, a journey that began for Jodi and Tim with a desire for another child, and for Jill and Ryan, a desire to help . . .


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Looks Like It Will Be Thursday!

Jill writes-

After a day spent yesterday walking through Snohomish, weeding the yard, and walking up & down my long driveway feeling like labor is nowhere in sight, we are preparing for an induction on Thursday. I am staying active and out of the house as much as possible to avoid going stir-crazy waiting. I went to the mall today with Jen & Lori and met my mom to shop at Costco Home, while Jodi stayed back and worked in the office....I felt a little guilty for not doing the same, but my attention is just not anywhere but trying to get ready for the delivery! I have mentally checked out for now (from my business, I mean) until the baby comes. :)

Ben said everyone at school keeps asking him if I have had the baby yet. He told Jodi tonight that he is getting tired of having to say "not yet" and he wants to be able to say yes finally. I think we all do!

Tomorrow night we are all planning one last dinner together and a movie. We have Rachel coming to watch the kids and we are going to have sushi and see "Baby Mama". For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it stars Tina Fey and Amy Poehler from Saturday Night Live. Amy is a surrogate for Tina and it's supposed to be very funny. Quite appropriate for the evening before delivery, right?

As for the picture below....Jodi & I went back and forth about whether or not to post it. Sometimes when the baby is in certain positions and I have a contraction, it will make my belly into the wierdest shapes. So last night we got a picture of it...a big ball on top, and totally flat in front. It's so bizarre! I guess all modesty goes out the window since you all are part of this! :)

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