We invite you to hear our story and to share our journey, a journey that began for Jodi and Tim with a desire for another child, and for Jill and Ryan, a desire to help . . .


Sunday, April 20, 2008

"False Alarm" Affects At Least 175 People

Just a couple of hours after I posted yesterday Jill said she was feeling queezy. Though this is a common symptom that your body is preparing to labor, she wasn't contracting and figured she may be getting the flu. Ryan, who is a pilot for Alaska Airlines, left for a scheduled 3 day trip that was to start at midnight with a flight to Dallas. You've probably guessed what happened. Jill began contracting every 5 to 7 minutes and we were timing them. We realized that we didn't have our bags packed for the hospital and started packing some things we didn't want to go without. The contractions continued and we contacted Jill's mom to be on stand-by in case we were to leave for the 45 min-1 hour drive to the hospital. At 11 p.m. we called Ryan and told him what was going on. He was already at the airport and called his company's scheduling department and told them he couldn't fly. He headed home hoping a substitute pilot could be found right away. Well, we found out today that wasn't the case. They cancelled the flight and you can imagine there probably weren't any other flights at midnight that could take the passengers to their destination. I can only begin to wonder who slept in the airport, who turned back home, and who had to go to a hotel. We feel badly about it and hope we don't have to make that call again :). As for Jill, the contractions started to spread out shortly before Ryan got home. Though she was still contracting every 10-15 minutes, we decided to go to bed because it was 1:30 a.m. and we were exhausted. We slept until morning without any problems. Today has been fairly quiet with contractions about every hour. We will see . . .


emily said...

That is actually a really great story to tell! I'm sure you are right and the passengers on the plane might not agree. Praying for the Lords perfect timing on this precious baby to be born.

Corey said...
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Corey said...

Now I don't feel so bad when my false alarms affect 2-3 people :) I'm thinking of you both and your families a lot, especially as I get closer to delivery myself. I wish you both the best, Jill a safe delivery (WITH an epidural)and Jodi a happy, healthy baby. Maybe we'll see you in triage... :)
Take care and rest up!
Corey Epperson