We invite you to hear our story and to share our journey, a journey that began for Jodi and Tim with a desire for another child, and for Jill and Ryan, a desire to help . . .


Friday, November 9, 2007

My First Doctor Appointment With Jill

I'm grinning ear to ear and am in awe of life! I saw my precious baby today in an ultrasound. Tim got to be there via speakerphone. Our baby has the cutest fingers and toes I've ever seen. The baby was kicking and moving and so full of life. How can I wait to meet him/her?

I also marveled as I looked at Jill lyjng on the table with the ultrasound camera on her belly. If it weren't for her, this little one wouldn't exist. Does she really understand how significant her sacrifice is? I thought about what my friend, Tracey Wasson told me. She said, "Jodi, you're the only woman I know who gets to experience what it's like to be the husband." She is right! I found myself wanting to open doors for her and not let her carry anything heavy and just so proud of her. We tried to take a peek at the privates, but no luck. Still too young to tell if we've got a boy or a girl.

The whole Whittemore family is coming back to Seattle next Friday. Yippee! I had called Jill about a month ago and said, "Since we're going to be a blended family, what do you think about us coming up for a week over Thanksgiving?" All of us will be going to an ultrasound together while we're there. Chloe and Christian can't wait to see Jill's belly and what's inside!


emily said...

I had a good cry watching the videos. The kids were priceless and what a gift you gave to your team. I loved seeing your mom in the window reflection with the kids:)

You are clearly giving the glory to God and it is a blessing to your friends.

Praying for you, Jill and the baby.

Sarah Krzysik said...

Wow! I love that you are sharing what could be a private matter with all of your Arbonne family. It is a privilege to know that such wonderful families exist in this world that so freely give of each other to benefit one another. Your bond of friendship will only deepen with this experience. I will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby for all of you. Best wishes always!

shanna said...

What a blessing for all. Thank you for allowing us to share in this time of your lives. Happy Thanksgiving. You all have so much to be thankful for!! Our prayers are with you!

Amanda Bakker said...

Absolutely amazing! I am blown away that you've allowed us a glimpse into this incredible journey with you. God's blessings upon all 10 of you! =) You will be in our constant thoughts and prayers. Once again, I'm amazed that God would use a company like ours to bring Glory to Himself! Thank you for sharing, for being your transparent selves, and for inspiring us all to trust Him. Love to you!

Michele Ott said...

I am crying tears of joy as I read your story and think back to spending time with both of you at the VP retreat! I already thought that the 2 of your were amazing and this just confirms it! Your trust and faith in God will not only bring a beautiful blessing into the world! But his or her journey will draw others to the Lord!! Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us all! I will be praying each day for all of you!! Your story is very close to my heart!